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+420 800 100 073

Mon-Fri: 7:00 - 19:00
Sat:        8:00 - 14:00

We will inform you of the test results for coronavirus by text message.

Request form


The test for the presence of infection using the PCR method

This is done by means of a swab from the nasopharynx. This test will ascertain the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in your body using the only approved method (PCR). We will issue you with the confirmation that you may need, for example to return from abroad, based on the test results. We only perform this test at selected branches.

The examination for paying clients is only performed on preventative grounds and samples can therefore not be taken from people with any clinical symptoms of the COVID-19 illness.

What test variants do we offer?

A PCR examination without a medical confirmation within 48 hr814 CZK
An Express PCR examination without a medical confirmation 1)1 314 CZK (only Praha, Evropská)
A Super Express PCR examination without a medical confirmation2)1 814 CZK (only Praha, Evropská)
PCR preventive testingfree (2x per month)
Self-collection1 290 CZK
A medical confirmation100 CZK

The Express and Super Express services are only available at the Mobile Sample Collection Point in Prague, Evropská Street

1) Express - delivery by midnight of the same day, provided the sample is taken by 12 pm
2) Super Express - delivery by 3 pm of the same day, provided the sample is taken by 9 am.

How can you get tested?

Choose a sample collection point in the RESERVATION SYSTEM and book a specific date and time. All the instructions will be sent to the email address that you have stated in your booking. The reservation system is not supported by the Internet Explorer browser

Bookings for these sample collection points can only be made using the reservation system:

Paying clients

The examination for paying clients is only performed on preventative grounds and samples can therefore not be taken from people with any clinical symptoms of the COVID-19 illness.

Paying clients + indicated patients + preventive testing

If you want to book at the sample collection point in České Budějovice, U Tří lvů, call +420 731 595 088.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Be at the sample collection point at precisely the appointed time. Each tested individual must make their own independent appointment.

How is the sample collected?

Be at the sample collection point at the assigned time and we will verify your identity using your submitted personal identification card and health insurance card.

Paying clients

The nurse will fill in the request form with you and perform a swab of the nasopharynx. The price for the test is paid on site. It is possible to pay for the test in cash or using a payment card depending on the options available at the given sample collection point. You can check the payment options on the sample collection site’s web page or via the information line. If paying in cash, please have the correct change on you.

In order to accelerate the sample collection process, we recommend that you fill in THE REQUEST FORM in advance.

Indicated patients

The nurse will check your electronic referral form in the register of indicated patients and perform a swab of the nasopharynx. The costs of the test are covered by health insurance.

How will you find out the results?

We will provide you with the test results on our information line at 800 100 073 and by sending you the results in the form of a text message or an email within a period of 24 - 48 hours after the collection of the sample. If the result is positive, we recommend that you contact your general practitioner (paediatrician).  The regional hygiene office will then contact you with information on how to proceed. If you need confirmation of the test result (for example, after returning from abroad), contact the sample collection point and arrange to collect it.


The antibody test

Why should you be tested for antibodies?

This will tell you, if you have any antibodies in your body and which ones. It is possible to become infected with this illness without any symptoms or with slight symptoms which may not be considered to be of significance.

What does the test reveal?

  • The test can reveal, if you have previously come into contact with the virus or if you are still currently infected by measuring the presence of IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies in your blood.
  • An ongoing infection will be revealed by the presence of IgA antibodies (the 5th day after infection) or IgM antibodies (the 8th day after infection).  
  • The detection of IgG antibodies indicates that you have undergone a previous infection.
  • We recommend that you contact your general practitioner, if any antibodies are found. The antibody test is only designated for paying clients.

When should you get tested?

The test can be performed at any time with the exception of cases where the patient is showing symptoms (for example, a fever, the flu syndrome, a cough, wheezing and so on). In such a case, it is advisable to use swab testing (PCR) and we recommend that you should consult your situation with you doctor.

What test variants do we offer?

The comprehensive test variant captures the entire cycle of the illness.
Comprehensive (ascertaining the presence of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies)1 290 CZK
Basic (ascertaining the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies)860 CZK
Only IgA430 CZK
Only IgG430 CZK
The provision of a certificate100 CZK

How can you get tested?

We perform these tests at the SYNLAB sample collection points.

You can come in without an appointment and request the nurse to perform one of the aforementioned variants. The summary of the sample collection points, including details of their opening hours, is available here: The list of sample collection points.

The price for the test is paid on site or in e-shop. It is possible to pay for the test in cash or using a payment card depending on the options available at the given sample collection point. You can check the payment options on the sample collection site’s web page or via the information line. If paying in cash, please have the correct change on you.

How will you find out the results?

We can inform you of the results by telephone at the call centre on 800 100 073 or in an email usually within 48 hours of the collection of the sample on business days (Mon-Fri). The delivery period for results sent in writing depends on the Czech Post Office’s delivery terms. You can arrange the method of delivering the results when the sample is collected.

Information on the level of IgG antibodies against COVID-19 is only provided with regard to their presence. It is not possible to infer sufficient protection or the period of their duration from this.

Antigen tests

The reservation system for antigen tests is HERE

The test processing and results while you wait usually take 15-20 minutes.

Do you need a test more often than once every 3 days?
Have you had a positive PCR test result within the last 90 days?
You don’t have any health insurance?
201 CZK


Do you have coronavirus in your body?

If you are interested in undergoing a swab test for the presence of any infection (the PCR method) or the measurement of the level of COVID-19 antibodies by giving a blood sample, we can perform both tests for you.